Our site www.theayurvedic.clinic is a unique website that brings together Ayurvedic doctors, practitioners, massage therapists and other professionals under one website. Our aim is to help both the professional and the patient receive the best care, service, aftercare, and attention that they require and deserve.
Our mission matters; we want to improve the Ayurvedic health care system so that we can not only help patients with their treatments and aftercare but also to clinically evaluate our remedies. What we need most in Ayurveda is a clinical system to monitor and evaluate the treatments used for specific disorders. Our systems has been designed and developed with this in mind by our own Practitioner and has endorsement from the Association of Ayurvedic Practitioners (AAP). Our own practitioner who developed this system is also qualified Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher with also over 20 years in western pharmacy and western nutrition so is well placed to lead this mission.
Our site also offers practitioners the opportunity to purchase high quality and organic Ayurvedic herbs so they can buy and prescribe with confidence.
For the patients, we offer the final piece of their health care journey, namely the aftercare. Patients can easily keep a check on the herbs they are prescribed to take, when to take then and how to take them. We also make it easy for the patient to make changes and most importantly stick to a new lifestyle regime. Patients can supplement their treatments with other recommended products specifically for their doshic imbalance. We also help the patient with recipe ideas and even offer unique sauces and food options to suit their newfound healthy lifestyle.
The allopathic healthcare system is treats symptoms swiftly, efficiently and are very good for acute conditions, but the entire world is becoming increasingly unwell and so many patients are going untreated as the allopathic system is struggling to cope with the demand and more often than not, only urgent cases are being treated and therefore we are not preventing disorders. With Ayurveda we can complement the allopathic systems and work with them to prevent more disorders and with our system it can make it all the difference in this modern technological age. Allopathic systems need more assistance and Ayurveda is the answer.